Friday, June 9, 2017

Meet the F A M: animals at the B&B

It's important that if you're going to understand a bit more about Wildernest Ranch and the whole B&B life we have going on around here, that you meet some of the cuties who make up the place. They are our well-loved animals; in fact, SO well loved that we fear a few of them may not even realize they are categorized "animals!"

First up, is a snapshot of the goat/chicken yard. We used to keep the two separate, but decided a couple of years ago, after extensive research, that these two odd-bedfellows actually get along quite well and keep the other company. True story: once we combined the yards, we've had better egg production from our ladies and the goats seem to really enjoy the flock that steals their water and sometimes hides out in their "cafe." 

Meet Harper Lee (darker brown spots, back of the photo) and Judy Blume (lighter brown spots, right in the big middle of the action.) These are our goats and these girls are a HOOT! They are actual twins which we tried to separate at birth. We brought only Harper Lee home, but even at 6 weeks old, she was jumping a 4 ft fence flat-footed in an effort to cross the road and get to her twin. guessed it! We brought Judy Blume home as well and they've been nothing short of content since! They love to play fight, eat leaves and produce, and when they can occasionally escape, they love to run around the corral, giving Sassy fits!

Speaking of Sassy, she is our gentle-hearted, yet high-spirited Palomino. She adores kids (pictured here with our granddoll and two of her friends), treats, and chasing the goats when they manage to escape their own yard. She's had a bit of a rough year since we lost her pasture mate, Tilly, last year. Obviously lonely, she hangs out at the corner closest to the goats most days, all but begging them to come over and play. We hope to bring a new playmate home for her very soon! If you know of a kid-broke, gentle horse who'd enjoy light trail rides and giving small children rides, please let us know! 


Last - but in no way AT ALL least - are our two fur babies, Thoreau and Bronte. I simply cannot say ENOUGH about these two lab mixes! After a shaky, unpleasant experience with a dog when I was 12, I had a long-standing fear of most dogs and certainly didn't think I'd ever own one, let alone TWO, that I was absolutely nuts about! Yet, here we are. with two rescues that we love to pieces! 

Thoreau came to us first, almost six years ago. He has been with us through the move from the cabin to our forever home, as we started the B&B, and as we've slowly acquired the ranch animals. Including his adopted sister, Bronte. She's almost three is every bit as spirited as he is calm. We think their names fit them perfectly. Thoreau loves the simple life, much like Henry David Thoreau did, while Bronte is mischievous and spirited, like the Bronte sisters! 

These two are our ranch mascots, for sure! They are usually the first ones to greet our guests. They love kids, love to bark at the UPS guy, and - while loving the warm porch sunshine, have also become quite accustomed to taking shelter in the good 'ol AC of the main house whenever possible! We love them to distraction and probably spend WAY too much time laughing and playing with them. On the other hand, what's better after a long, hard day than two fur babies who think you are the BEST THING EVER!! They are our pupperdogs and we are their humans!

So this is a brief introduction to the main characters at the B&B. All love our guests and welcome treats, pets, and hugs! Stay tuned; no doubt, they'll turn up in future posts!

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